
Wednesday 3 September 2014

Papers Growing Interests Motivation and Learning Mathematics

Learning mathematics is the study of mathematical concepts are abstract. Elementary students in general are at a stage that is characterized by concrete thinking logical reasoning about things that can be found in the real world. In addition, the concept of higher mathematics than students who already owned, can not be communicated by definition, but need to give him examples appropriate to the subject matter. With a concrete example that fits with the concept being taught, is intended to foster motivation and interest in learning mathematics learners.
Keywords: motivation, interests, learning math.
Education plays a very important, because education has the ability to develop the human qualities of the various terms. School mathematics teaching is one way to improve the human quality because of mathematical thought mastery would allow one to prepare the way of thinking that is clear, precise and thorough. In addition to the science of mathematics as a waitress widely used in other fields of science, especially in the current technological developments. Therefore, the complete mastery of math by learners is needed. To achieve these objectives, teaching and learning of mathematics should receive serious attention.
Judging from the nature of mathematics and abstract mathematical objects, then the primary school learners (SD) always had difficulty learning mathematics, resulting in boredom arises not interested in learning mathematics. To address this problem needs to be studied how to teach mathematics to elementary students to mathematical concepts easy to understand and interesting.
Elementary students are in the period of concrete operations, so that the teaching of mathematical concepts should be presented in concrete forms, using props. As the motto of the Chinese nation "I hear and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand." This motto is very meaningful for a teacher, with this motto as the basic or minimum benchmark in learning.
Based on the background above, the problem is how to foster motivation and interest in learning mathematics for elementary school students?
Learning and Teaching Mathematics
Learning is a process that is characterized by a change in the individual. Hudoyo (1988: 1) argues that the knowledge, skills, habits, interests and attitudes are formed, modified and evolved as a result of learning activities. Because the person is said to learn if it can be assumed that within them there is a process that results in a change in behavior.
Hamalik (1990: 21) says learning is a form of growth or change in a person that is expressed in the ways that the new act thanks to the experience and training. In line with the Sudjana (1991: 5) says learning is a relatively permanent change in a behavioral tendency as a result of practice or workout.
Thus, the study can be interpreted as an attempt by an individual to acquire a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's experience in the interaction with the environment.
Learning mathematics is to learn the concepts and structures and mathematical structures contained in the material being studied and to find the relationships between concepts and mathematical structures (Hudoyo, 1990: 48). The concepts are building blocks (building blocks) thinking. The concepts are the basis for mental processes to better formulate principles and generalizations (Dahar, 1989: 79).
Soedjadi (1981: 7) says that the abstract objects of mathematics as a science, can not be converted into concrete. However, to understand can be done various ways, such as by using concrete objects. Certain properties of a set of concrete objects, can be used as a starting point to understand the abstract mathematical subject. This effort required in mathematics education for mathematics as a goal of providing learning materials is growing learners.
Teaching is described as a process of interaction between teachers and learners, where teachers expect learners can master the knowledge, skills and attitudes are really chosen by the teacher. Knowledge, skills and attitudes that teachers should be selected relevant to the purpose of the lesson is given to the cognitive structure owned learners (Hudoyo, 1990: 107).
With the hang of teaching materials, does not mean that the ultimate goal of the learning process, but the material is oriented such that the doctrine can grow (1) open and confident attitude, (2) creativity and insigh, (3) the ability to solve mathematical problems, and (4) lifelong learning capabilities (Soedjadi, 1989: 17).
Learning Mathematics Motivation
Humans as living beings who are aware there is always the urge in him a curiosity thing. The thrust is called "motif". The motive is not observable, but it can be witnessed by the man himself.
Drever (in Slameto, 1991: 60) says the motive is an affective-conative factor Determining the which operates in the direction of an individual's behavior towards an end or goal consiustly apprehended or unconsiustly. From this definition it is understood that the motive is closely related to the objectives to be achieved. In determining the goals can be realized or not, but to achieve that goal needs to be done. While the cause of the motif itself is done as a driving force or driving. Motif is an internal condition or disposition (readiness or inclination) a person to perform certain activities to achieve a goal.
Based on the above definition, it can be said that the motive is anything that arises from within the individual who encouraged him to perform certain activities to achieve a goal. A motif always has a purpose, the purpose being to be the direction things are patterned activity.
Motives and motivation are two things that can not be separated, but can be distinguished conceptually as a motivation matters related to the onset and active motifs. Sardiman (1992: 73) states that originated from the word motive, the motivation can be defined as the driving force that has become active. Motive becomes active at certain moments, especially when the goal was to achieve very urgent.
Hudojo (1990: 97) says that the driving force that lies within a person to perform certain activities to achieve the purpose of something called a "motif". While everything associated with the onset and course of the motif called "motivation". This means that behind every man there is something motivational activities pushed to achieve a certain aim.
From the above description it can be argued that in terms of people do or do something, the reason or impetus that drive people to do something to achieve a goal is the motive, is the process of generating the motion called "motivation". Similarly, every motivation is always closely related to the goal. Motivation is not something static, but can be changed and enhanced in intensity by the environment.
Marhaeni (2005: 65) states that motivation is a condition that occurs within the individual caused by interactions between motives to the events observed by the behavior of individuals thereby encouraging turn into a real action.
Motivation as a motion generation process within the individual to perform or do something to achieve a goal has three functions, namely moving, deploying, and selecting individual actions. Interest in Learning Mathematics
In the most basic sense, means interest busy, interested, or fully engaged with an activity because it realizes the importance of activity. Slameto (Abdul Zamad, 2000) provides the sense that interest is a sense and a sense of connectedness prefer one thing or activity without being told. Interest is essentially a receipt will be some relation between oneself with something outside of themselves. The stronger the relationship or near the greater the interest. According Slameto (2003: 180) that the interest is a sense and a sense of attachment to prefer one thing or activity, without being told. Interest is basically a relationship between the acceptance of yourself with something outside of themselves. The stronger or close the connection, the greater the interest.
An interest can be expressed through a statement indicating that the student is more like a thing than anything else, it can also be manifested through participation in an activity. Students who have an interest in certain subjects tend to give greater attention to the subject.
From some of the above, it can be concluded that the interest of the liver is a tendency to engage in an object. Thus the interest in learning can be defined as the engagement of students with all your mind and attention fully to conduct learning activities.
Thus the interest in learning mathematics can be interpreted as a fully self-involvement in learning activities math both at home, at school, and in the community. Students who have an interest in learning mathematics means having the effort and willingness to learn mathematics.
Method motivation and interest
According to Hamzah B Uno (2007) that there are several ways foster student motivation as follows:

     The statement acknowledged verbally. Verbal statements on good behavior or work or a good student learning outcomes is the most easy and effective way to improve students' learning motive to good learning outcomes. Statements such as "good", "great", "amazing", in addition to fun student, the statement implies verbal interaction and direct personal experience between students and teachers and the delivery of concrete so that an approval or social recognition, especially when the award was given verbal front of the lot.
     Using test scores as a driver of success. Knowledge of the work, a way to improve students' learning motives.
     Raises curiosity. Curiosity caused by the atmosphere that can surprise, doubt, uncertainty, contradiction, face a difficult problem to solve, find a new thing, the face of the puzzle. This raises a kind of conceptual conflict so as to make the students feel curious, by itself cause the students strive to memecahkannnya. In a strong effort to increase students' learning motives that big.
     Bring up something that is not suspected by students. In an effort even then, the teacher is actually intended to provoke curiosity of students.
     Making an early stage in the learning easier for students. This gives a sort of reward for students in the first stage of learning that allows students eager to learn the next.
     Use traditional materials known by students as an example in learning. Something that has been known to students can be accepted and remembered more easily. So, use the things that have been known to students as a means to explain something new or have not been understood by the students.
     Use the link that is unique and unexpected to implement a concept and principles that have been understood. Something unique, unexpected, and bizarre and more remembered by students rather than something mediocre.
     Requires students to use things that have been studied previously. By the way, in addition to students learning to use the things that he has met, he also can strengthen or pengetahunannya understanding about the things he had learned.
     Using simulations and games. Simulation is an attempt to apply something learned or something that is learned through direct action. Both simulated and the game is a very interesting process for students. The atmosphere is very appealing lead the learning process more effective or emotionally meaningful for students. Something meaningful sustainable remembered, understood or appreciated.
     Provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate mastery in public. It will lead to a sense of pride and appreciated by the public. In turn, the atmosphere will increase student learning motive.
     Reduce the unpleasant consequences and student engagement in learning activities. Positive things of student engagement in learning should be emphasized, while the things that have a negative impact should be reduced.
     Understanding the social climate in the school. Understanding of the climate and atmosphere of the school is for students to do the driving ease. With the understanding that students can memproleh appropriate assistance in resolving problems or difficulties.
     Utilizing the appropriate authority of the teacher. Teachers should understand is lacking right when he had to use a variety of manifestations kewibawaaanya the students to improve their learning motives. The types of utilization it is rewarded, in controlling student behavior, authority of law, authority for reference and authority for expertise.
     Unite powerful motives. A student may study hard because the achievement motive background as a strong motive. He can also learn because they want to assert themselves and gain respect or because impetus to gain strength. When such strong motives were combined, the students gain reinforcement motives plural, and a willingness to learn also grew, until it reaches a high success
     Clarify the learning objectives to be achieved. Above has been said that a child will do better and be successful if he had to do and understand that achieved by doing so. Increasingly clear that the goal is achieved, the more targeted efforts to achieve it.
     Formulate objectives while. The purpose of learning is a very broad formulation and far from being achieved. In order to attempt to reach that goal more focused, then the purpose of general-purpose learning it should be divided into a goal while a clearer and more easily achieved.
     Inform the work that has been accomplished. In this case study can be done by always informing niai test scores or homework. By knowing the results that have been achieved, then the motive is stronger student learning, whether it be because they want to maintain the good results that have been studied, as well as to mempebaiki unsatisfactory learning outcomes.
     Creating an atmosphere of healthy competition among the students. This atmosphere gives students the ability to measure himself through other people's abilities. Other than that learn by competing cause learning efforts in earnest, here also used the principle-the principle of the individual's desire to always be better than others.
     Develop competition with yourself. Such competition is done by giving the task in a variety of activities that must be done alone. Thus, students will be able to compare its success in doing various tasks.
     Provide positive examples. Many teachers who have a habit to impose on students' work without control. Usually he gives an assignment to the class, and the teacher left to carry out the work, this situation is not only good, but can be detrimental to students. To encourage student learning is not enough for the teacher to give the task alone, but must be adequate supervision and guidance for students working on class assignments. In addition to control and guide students in doing their jobs. Teachers should provide a good example.

Psychologists such as Piaget, Bruner, Brownell, Skemp, believe that if we want to teach the children, we need to consider the developmental level of the child's thinking. Piaget argues that human thinking process as a gradual progression from concrete to abstract thinking intellectual sequentially through four periods. Period proposed by Piaget's thinking is as follows: (1) sensory phase motors, (2) the preoperational stage, (3) the operational phase, and (4) the formal stage.
Interests constitute the basis of motivation, and underlying terms of motivation is needed, so it can be said that the interest is a fundamental motivational tool. In general, students in elementary school at the stage of concrete thinking is characterized by logical reasoning about things that can be found in the real world. Learning mathematics is the study of mathematical concepts are abstract. Using props, passionate learners can learn math. The concept of higher mathematics than students who already owned, can not be communicated by definition, but by giving concrete examples appropriate to the subject matter can foster motivation and interest in learning mathematics. Based on this conclusion, it is suggested in teaching mathematics to teachers who teach in elementary mathematics that uses concrete objects according to their subject matter.

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