
Wednesday 3 September 2014



If we study the social sciences, then we will have the same conclusion about the object of the social sciences, the social sciences is that all essentially have the same object that is society. Society is a group of individuals who live in an area that forms a community in the social life. Set of individuals that make up these communities has its own characteristics that distinguish one society to another society. The social sciences try to understand, examine, investigate, look for similarities and differences between people with each other. Social science tries to understand the behavior of individuals in the community as a behavior contrary to people's collection of individuals with other community groups. Social science tries to understand, analyze and find differences and similarities interaction of individuals in society and community interaction with other community groups.
Meanwhile Politics understanding of the rights and authority, power, decision-making processes in society and conflicts that occur as a result of the distribution and allocation of goods and services that are considered to have value by society becomes unbalanced. While trying to understand the sociology of the social structure, social institutions, social strata, social change, social interaction, social mobility and modernization.


Examines the history of political science can be seen from the discussion of the two views are widely or narrowly. Broadly means of political science has existed since ancient times in the form of discussion in certain books that have been invented past, while the narrow meaning of political science sistematisasinya as seen from the aspect of science and recognition of academic aspects.

A. The Basic Conception of Politics
Political etymologically derived from the Greek polis, which means the country of the city. People who inhabit the policy called Polites which also means citizens. Politikos means citizenship. From this comes the term techne meaning politike political finesse, ars politica meaning of proficiency on state issues, and politike episteme which means political science. Derived from this word that the political words we use today. Politics has many definitions, depending on the angle pandangyang used by the definer.
Miriam Budiardjo (1993) defines politics as a wide range of activities that occur in a country, which involves the process of determining how to achieve the goal danbagaimana that goal. Here Miriam Budiardjo interpreted as a political act undertaken diverse olehpenguasa and the community with regard to the process of setting goals and how achievement goals Hoogerwerf itu.Sementara it defines as a political power struggle. Hans J. Morgentahui define politiksebagai quest for power (struggle for power) and David Easton defines politics as all policies and activities that affect the way the policy was implemented.

B. Definition of Politics, Political Science and Political Science Concepts
Politics comes from the Greek language meaning citizens Polites later developed into Politikos meaning of citizenship, and political finesse Politike meaning. The concepts in political science continues to dwell on the issue:
a. Power - power source - the effects - making and policy implementation
b. Authority - power based on legitimacy
c. Conflict and consensus
d. Decision-making and how to distribute power

C. The scope and meaning of the Political
As a science, politics has a scope that covers various aspects. Here's expert opinion on the scope and meaning of political science:
v Gambte:
Politics is a collection of one area of ​​social life such as gender, race, and social class, so politics is defined as the overall aspect of social life, and not only focused on government institutions.
v Lefwich
Politics can not be separated from life and public activity. Political concerns the overall activity and cooperation and conflict within and between communities.
v Noer
Politics is any activity or behavior associated with power and intended to interfere with and alter or maintain some form of community composition.

D. History of Political
Examines the history of political science can be seen from the discussion of the two views are widely or narrowly. Broadly means of political science has existed since ancient times in the form of discussion in certain books that have been invented past, while the narrow meaning of political science sistematisasinya as seen from the aspect of science and recognition of academic aspects. History extensively. Political science has existed since ancient times, it can be seen from the following works;
a) Greece in 450 BC there Herodatus's book, Plato and Aristotle.
b) India in 500 BC there Dharmasastra book and Arthasastra.
c) China in 500 BC There figure of Confucius and Kung Fu Tzu
d) the 11 th century Arabic works of al-Marwardi are entitled al-Ahkam as-Sulthaniyyah
e) Indonesia 13th century AD there are books and Babad Tanah Jawi Negarakertagama.

History narrowly:
v Ages 18 and 19 in Germany, Austria and France have a discussion about politics but still heavily influenced by the law and the state.
v In the UK Political science is influenced by moral philosophy and history
v In Paris France Ecole libredes born 1870 Scienies
v In the UK in 1895 appeared institute London School of Economic and Political Science
v In the USA in 1858 Francis Lieber was appointed as professor of history and political science at columbia College.
v Still in the United States in 1904 was born the American Political Science Association (APSA)
v dibasah UN agency Unesco in 1948 gave birth to the book Contemporary Political Science

E. Basic Conception of Sociology
Sociology Etymologically the word comes from the Latin socius and Logos. Socius meaning and Logos meaning science community. So sociology is the science of society. The experts then mencobamemberikan another definition of sociology, although in essence the definition that they make not much different from the etymological meaning. The difference lies in the point of view seen by each specialist / expert. There is emphasis on the aspect of social interaction, social structure, and there is also emphasis on social facts, social change, and so forth.
Soerjono Soekanto (1983) says that sociology is the study of social structure, social processes including social change and social problems. Meanwhile Roucek and Waren said that sociology is the study of the relationship between humans in the group. William F. Ogburn and Meyer F. Nimkoff say that sociology is the scientific study of the social interaction. While Emile Durkheim said that sociology is the study of social facts, ie facts contained carabertindak, thinking and feeling that the individual controls.

F. Definition of Sociology
The following definitions are proposed sociology some experts:
1 Emile Durkheim
Sociology is the science that studies the social facts, namely the fact that it contains a way of acting, thinking, feeling individuals who are outside where such facts have the power to control individuals.
2 Selo Sumardjan and Soelaeman Soemardi
Sociology is a social science that studies the social structure and social processes including social change.
3 Soejono Sukamto
Sociology is the science that focuses on the social aspects of a general nature and trying to get the general patterns of community life.
4 William Kornblum
Sociology is a scientific attempt to study society and social behavior and making the community members concerned in the various groups and conditions.

5. Allan Jhonson
Sociology is the study of life and behavior, particularly in relation to a social system and how the system affects people and how the people involved in it affects the system.
6. Pitirim Sorokin
Sociology is the study of the relationship and mutual influence between the various kinds of social phenomena (such as economies of symptoms, the symptoms of the family, and moral symptoms), sociology is the study of the relationship and mutual influence between social phenomena with a non-social symptoms, and the last , sociology is the study of the general characteristics of all kinds of other social phenomena.

G. Scope of Study of Sociology
As a science, sociology more depth on the field with varying ways. For example, a sociologist studying and observing juvenile delinquency in Indonesia today, they will examine why these naughty teens, began when the teen was naughty behavior, to provide alternative solutions to the problem. Almost all social phenomena that occur in both rural and urban individuals or groups, a study space that is suitable for sociology, as long as the use of scientific procedures. The scope of the broader sociological studies of other social sciences. This is because the scope of sociology includes all social interactions take place between individuals, individuals and groups, as well as with a group of environmental groups in the community. The scope of review of the sociology if detailed into several things, such as, among others.
· Economic and their principal business activities related to the production, distribution, and use of the resources of nature;
· The management of the parties who made ​​the assessment, with regard to what is experienced by its citizens;
· The issue of history that is associated with chronological records, for example, human activities and their business achievements were recorded, and so on.

Sociology combines data from a variety of science as basic research. Thus sociology can be connected with historical events, all events that provide information along with a description ongoing process of living groups, or some event in the history of human groups. For example, a country's history can be studied with the background reveals the formation of a state, the factors, the principles of a country to travel the country in the future. Sociology mempertumbuhkan all environmental and human habits, along the fact that there is in human life and experience that can affect humans, as well as the processes in the group. During the group, then it will be seen during the same forms, methods, standards, mechanisms, problems, and developmental nature of the group. All these factors may influence the relationship between humans and the effect on sociological analysis.


Political etymologically derived from the Greek polis, which means the country of the city. People who inhabit the policy called Polites which also means citizens. Politikos means citizenship. From this comes the term techne meaning politike political finesse, ars politica meaning of proficiency on state issues, and politike episteme which means political science
Sociology Etymologically the word comes from the Latin socius and Logos. Socius meaning and Logos meaning science community. So sociology is the science of society.
In conclusion sociology is the study of the relationship between the individual and the individual, the individual with the community, and the community with the community.
Additionally, Sociology is talking about what is going on at this time, especially the patterns of relationships in the community and try to look for common notions, rational, empirical and general nature

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