
Sunday 7 September 2014



According to Wundt, the origin of human language is the gesture, the movement, the body, or sounds that do not form.
Want to argue that language grows out of the practical needs of the human object in a week.
Noire is the language of the opinion suggests that arise from the influence of the senses objects (objects observed) against the power of the senses and also the capacity (ability) humans in moving the impression to others. According Noire communication occurs first in the form of cues? Emotional and status symbols that form a word [1].

v Language Functions in Human Life
In relation to the social life of human language that has some social function of social communication, social control, and social cooperation. In this situation they dipermudahkan and determined by their own language. The function of language in communication is to send a message. When we send the message that verbal language, it berartikita send messages verbally.
In a study of the social psychology of language is important because:
1 Language is the basic medium for social interaction
2 Language is only a carrier of culture from one generation to the next generation of the transfer mechanism of the ideas and forms of behavior.
3 Language allows a series of common sense definitions are similar between humans.
4. Language plays an important role in the growth of a child since the biological standard of living up to the terms of social life as social beings.
5. Without language in human social life can not realize the relationship and the other man.

Especially once the objectives to be achieved as a good propaganda material and the direction of the target condition, the target object of propaganda. The material most propaganda is not an acceptable size, easily understood by the listener (mad'u).
Therefore, the language factor appears propaganda elements that must be owned by the perpetrators of propaganda that would make it easier to compose messages dai (material) that with good words. If propaganda is able to pay attention to the language that implemented the object of preaching to whom it is addressed. So the propaganda that will be more communication [2].
That the mission was able to hold yuang preaching change objects is highly dependent on the language used.

B. Interaction
In the life of an individual is always related to the physical environment, psychological and spiritual environment. According to Wood Worth, as quoted by WA Gerungan, there are basically four types of relationships between the individual and his environment, namely:
v Individuals in conflict with the environment
v Individuals using the environment
v Individuals menyesesuaikan to the environment

Interaction is defined as a form of relationship between two or more persons, in which a person's behavior altered by the behavior of others. Changes in a person's behavior becomes dai encouragement of interpersonal and inter-personal respont be biological.

C. Adaptation
Adaptation is penyesusaian living beings of the surroundings in order to survive.
The way how organisms cope with the pressure of the surrounding environment to survive. Organisms are able to adapt to the environment is able to: "
1 Getting water, air and nutrients
2 Respond to the changes that occur around

Social D.
Social as a function of mass communication for social dominik is transinisi values ​​of a group of media portrayals present society and by reading, listening and watching the audience someone to learn how to behave and what values ​​are important.
As with dengna Macbride anyway, for Dominick was a function of mass media entertainment, on this matter is clearly seen in television, film and sound recordings. Other mass media such as newspapers and magazines even though its primary function is the information in the notification form. Rubrics entertainment is always there, whether it be short stories, long stories or picture books?
For readers, this entertainment rubrics is important to release the nerves after ebrjam-hour news reading heavy going both domestically and abroad.

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