
Sunday 31 August 2014

examples of proposals

Examples proposal is one example of the type most often proposals are made ​​which are not only among the organization but within the school and the campus, the proposal is very frequently used activities that aim to support suksesnys course activities held especially in terms of funding. In addition to sample proposal, there are many more examples of proposals in accordance with the design activity or what would you make for example a research proposal example, business proposal examples and many other examples but basically the proposal of each such proposal is the same function it's just that there are some systematic differences in writing

The proposal has a simple definition of the draft written submission or application form, the form offers ideas, ideas or plans to others to gain permission support, funding, and so forth. How The proposal how to make right? see below about the systematics of making the proposal examples proposal well as performing arts and cultural activities and you also can see some examples of cover to the proposal that you create in a collection of sample proposals cover

How to Make a Proposal of activities

Systematics sample proposal
1.Judul Proposal

Examples of activities such as proposal title PROPOSAL STAGE ARTS CULTURAL ACTIVITIES

Rear 2.Latar

The background of this proposal and it is the basic reason that the activities need to be carried out


The purpose of this proposal for a benefit or expected results of the activities of the holding


This proposal describes the activities of the main activities to be carried out and attached with a full schedule of activities


Budget of this proposal should be submitted in detail and as much detail mingkin

Below is an example of proposal activity

Sample Proposal

================================================== ====
Proposals Events Performing Arts and Culture Festival


Along with the development time and the rapid development of technology and information as well as a lack of interest and attention of young people to the arts and culture of Indonesia's original that we should preserve now sunk in the middle of a foreign culture is so strong currents coming down to the outlying villages. Only a few there are a teenager or young we are able to bring traditional dance and something strange if we find someone who wear batik in their daily life. Customs and cultural shift seems to have changed the face of country kids who prefer foreign culture to their pride. The influx of western culture which received a positive response from teens without any filters and a counterweight of local culture resulted in the teens, youth and most of the people experiencing confusion in understanding and distinguishing between native-owned Indonesian culture with foreign cultures. Looking at the above conditions and the fact we would deserve to pay more attention to these problems and that is the background we as an organization Students' Social Indonesian Community "(INSOSKOM) will host the Festival activities across campus and Performing Arts and Culture


In order to celebrate the independence of the Republic of Indonesia August 17, 1945, as the Indonesian Social Community youth organizations and students want to hold events across campus festivals and performing arts culture that aims to

A. To commemorate and enliven the Indonesian Independence Day That Into 69
B. To preserve and foster interest in the arts and culture native to Indonesia
C. To build unity and build creativity of the youth



The art and culture will be introduced on

Time: 10:00 s / d completed
Venue: University Hall OF WORKS






Sample Articles on Health and the Environment

Examples of this article can be said is a combination of medical articles and article environment where both have a very varied topics, as well as articles on education that I have written in my previous post. In general, examples of articles about many health topics raised about the disease and its treatment as a way to sample articles on environmental topics usually is a theme that is often raised as to go green and pollution but in this article I choose topics that conversation light is on environmental health in schools .

We all want to be healthy but keeping health and always in a good healthy condition of the body and spirit healthy is not always easy because everything has a good connection from the food we eat, sleep patterns, factors of mind, and of course environmental factors that we live in and one of them is a school environment. It is fine in the family environment has been implementing health standards but not necessarily the school environment into a learning process in which almost half the time in each day, even more so the school environment is a gathering of students from various backgrounds and different social status and lifestyle different also.

Articles on environmental health in schools
Health in the school environment and create a healthy environment in school will be realized or maintained course with the involvement of all internal components, especially at school. Infrastructure and school rules that bind also contributing factors. Here below are some ways to create a healthy school environment

     Develop a green school program - Creating a cool atmosphere by planting trees in the area around the school is very good for the quality of the air and of course the fresh air and healthy is very important for the health benefits and in addition it can be felt is easy for students to undergo the process of teaching and learning activities
     Providing clean school cafeteria both in terms of place and type of food provided
     Availability of garbage bins by type
     Carry out the order and cleanliness of the environment
     Conducting extracurricular based on a love of the environment
     Hold competitions between classes related health and environmental
     Train and instill interest in the field of sports to students
     Provide insight to the students about a healthy environment for healthy living
     Providing skills that most of its main ingredient is garbage can not be recycled such as plastic, rubber, and other

In addition to the above ways I am sure there are many other ideas that can be applied to maintain the health of students and creating a healthy school environment and for this article I end up here hopefully provide benefits

UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION Positive Negative Impact of Globalization

UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION Positive Negative Impact of Globalization
Understanding Globalization would I describe both the understanding of the language and according to the experts, and also how well the impact of globalization on the negative side and a positive side. According to the language of globalization consists of two words, namely global and SASI, while global means global mean SASI process. Thus the language of globalization means a process something while according to experts worldwide globalization is as follows below
Read also educational articles on character education in the sense of character education

Understanding Globalization According to the Experts

     Malcolm Waters defines globalization is a social process that results in that geographical restrictions on the socio-cultural circumstances become less pentingyang manifested in the consciousness of people
     Emanuel Richter defines globalization is the global network that simultaneously brings together previously dispersed communities and isolated into a world of interdependence and unity
     According to Achmad Supaman Globalization is a process of making some object or behavior as a trait and every individual in the world without being restricted by region
     Martin Albrown said concerning the meaning of globalization is a process whereby people throughout the world are connected into a single world community

From some of the experts on globalization at the top of the outline can be concluded that globalization is a process between individuals and groups to mmenghasilkan an influence on the world. Definition of globalization can also mean the relationship or dependence between people and between nations more broadly across the world be it through trade, investment, travel, culture, as well as in other forms of interaction so that the boundaries - boundaries of a country becomes narrow
understanding of globalization
understanding of globalization
impact of Globalization
1 Positive Impact of Globalization

     Of the process of globalization will make it easier to obtain information with respect to either science, social, or other information that is positive
     Communication easier and faster
     Trigger the development of science and technology rapidly. With the globalization era, many inter-state cooperation in the field of science and technology and in addition also make cooperation among students from different countries
     Through investment cooperation between countries to build their economies - and of course each country will absorb large amounts of labor

In addition to examples of positive impact of globalization on the course there are many possible positive side of globalization but on the other side of globalization also has a negative effect, especially for a nation whose people are not ready or wrong in responding to globalization itself

2 Negative Impact of Globalization

     With easy access to information makes the uncontrolled information itself as somehow not all information has a positive value and if the incoming information has a negative side without the filter then that's just one example of the negative side of globalization
     Loss of national identity. With the exchange of information easily and quickly through various media community a nation often forgets her own culture because culture considers outside has more value when not all foreign cultures in harmony with the culture of the nation itself
     With the development of technology, more and more men today are spoiled with fully furnished facilities that create an individualistic attitude
     Formation consumptive lifestyle. We find the behavior of someone who buys something not out of necessity but because of other reasons, for example because of the trend, prestigious and others - others that it happened because of social changes diakibat of globalization

Similarly, the positive effects of globalization are many benefits, the negative side of globalization also has many bad effects. All it back again to each - each individual whether to bring globalization on something positive or even make any convenience resulting from globalization into something negative. From what I lay out on the good sense and influences of globalization that they are positive or negative can give insight to us all


Examples of official letter - official letter is a letter that is used for things that are formal affairs both for individuals, institutions, and organizations. In a simple sense that a formal letter. If you are an employee or staff of the company may be interested to see more articles, please read in the sample business letters. Back to the topic, in this article I will share an example of a formal invitation letter to both the company and for school activities. Prior to the example, we all know I need also some characteristic features of the writing and formatting in making an official letter follows below

Characteristic features of a formal letter

     Wearing letterhead or letter head (generally for the organization / agency)
     There are a number of letters, attachments and subject
     Indonesian mengguanakan good and true / suit EYD
     Enclose stamp or seal of the institution

Official letter format

     Kop / Head Mail
     number Mail
     Destination Address
     Greetings Opener
     contents Letter
     Greeting Cover

Official invitation letter sample companies

Number: ...
It: Meeting Invitation
Appendix: -

Mr Irwan setyawan
Marketing manager
PT Abstinence Backward

in place

With due respect,

           In connection with the execution of the event will be the anniversary of the company, we herewith invite all PT Manager Abstinence retreat to attend the preparatory meeting will dilaksanaka on:

Day / Date: Saturday, May 10, 2014
Time: 10:00 to 11:30 pm
Venue: Multipurpose Building

           Thus we convey this invitation, given the importance of this event, the Mr / Ms timely requested his presence. For your attention, we thank you.

Chairman of the Committee

Khairul Anam

Official invitation letter sample school

OSIS SMAN 5 Surabaya
Jl. Kusumabangsa No. 21 Surabaya
Jakarta, 11 April 2014
No: 01 / council / UND EX / V / 14
Lamp: -
Re: Invitation Porseni (Sports and Arts Week)

Governing council
SMAN 9 Surabaya
Jl. Kusumabangsa No. 21 Surabaya

With due respect,

           With the end of the school year 2010/2014, we as administrators OSIS SMAN 5 Surabaya invoke the presence of a representative of the school to participate in various competitions that will be held on:

Day: Monday, April 17, 2014 - Thursday, April 20, 2014
Time: At 08.00 am s / d completed
Place: Field SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya
Event: Porseni (Sports and Arts Week)

           Because enough the importance of the event, we are expecting the arrival of the representatives of the school and may be present on time.

Yours sincerely

Nur Indah Pratiwi

After seeing the two examples above letter may help you especially for your students who are still confused in making a formal letter to the staff of the school and hopefully this article useful company

Definition Opinion, Example Sentences Fact And Opinion

Opinion - Is one word that almost always side with the facts and both possess a very clear distinction and this article the aim is also to explain both in terms of understanding and through examples - example sentences opinions and facts to distinguish between the two.

Understanding Opinion - According to Wikipedia opinion (opinion) are the opinions, ideas or thoughts to describe a tendency or preference towards a particular perspective and ideology but is not objective because it has not received assurance or testing. Although it is not a fact but an opinion if one day it can be proven then the opinion will turn into a fact.

Understanding Facts - Facts (Latin: Factus) is everything that was caught by the human senses or the real state of the data that is proven and has become a reality.

Of the two senses can be concluded simply that the opinion is the opposite of the facts and the following sentence is an example of opinion and fact in a few sentences below

example opinion

examples Opinion
1 Run as far as 100 meters have been tiring
2 The food will taste better if it added a little sugar
3 The room was very narrow class
4 Do not wash it for 1 day cause itchy scalp
5. Bogor is the most beautiful city in Indonesia
6 People who are obese it means a quiet life
7 If I lived in America would have been more fun
8 If Indonesia led youth definitely better

examples of fact

1 Population predominantly Islamic Indonesia
2 Ir. Sukarno was Indonesia's first president
3 Denpasar is the capital city of Bali
4 of Mount Merapi has erupted more than once
5. The sun sets in the west and rises in the east
6. 1 hour consists of 60 minutes
Indonesia is an archipelago 7.
8 Water will always follow the shape of the space in tempatinya

From the example - the example sentence above it can be seen the difference between sentences and sentence opinion antaralain facts:

1 The truth is objective
2 It is a fact that really happened
3 There is accurate data as supporting

1 The truth is subjective
2 Shows the events yet to come
3 The absence of supporting data

Types of sentences opinions and facts
Type - the type of facts

     General Facts - Truth in force epanjang age. for example, at no 5
     Special Facts - Truth in force at 1 or some specific time. Aldi example reading a book

Type - Type of Opinion

     Opinion individuals - for example at No. 1
     Public opinion - for example, excessive eating can lead to obesity

Saturday 30 August 2014


UNDERSTANDING THE INTERNET and the history of the internet - In Internet language is derived from the Greek Inter which means "between" whereas if we listen to on the Internet wikipedia site stands Interconnection Networking is an entire global system of interconnected computer networks. To complete insight and understanding of the internet as a comparison of the following below I include some understanding of the Internet according to the experts

Understanding the Internet According to the Experts

     Understanding the Internet according to Strauss, El-Ansary entire Internet is a network that are connected to each other
     Understanding the Internet according to O'Brien is a rapidly growing computer network of millions of business, education, and government interconnected with users from various countries
     According to Allan internet is a collection of interconnected computer networks are physically connected and have the ability to read and decipher certain kominikasi protocol called Internet Protocol (IP) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).

History of the Internet
ARPA project formed in 1969 by the United States Department of Defense that this project then known as ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) is a research project on how to connect one computer to another computer to be able to communicate with each other and this is the forerunner of the emergence of the internet as well pemrakasrsa . From research conducted by the project ended in 1970 the project successfully connect 10 computers over the network into a form and a few years later the results of this research were developed outside the United States and over time the number of computer that is successfully connected more and more in number, and in 1980 was made official protocol known as TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol). That is the history of the internet

Basically, the Internet was created for something that is positive, but the development can not be denied the negative side of the Internet spawned as a result of misuse of the Internet which are prevalent in many parts of the world and here below are some of the positive and negative side of the Internet

Positive Impact of the Internet

     Memepermudah communication and interaction without indefinitely, scope and boundaries
     In the world of internet education facilitate the exchange of information and the largest library in the world
     Facilitate the exchange of data in the form of email, files in a variety of forms such as video, txt. PDF, etc.
     In a business world increasingly facilitate transactions among businesses and businesses can promote products online dirawarkan which can be accessed from all over the world
     In the world of health and culture are not infrequently used the Internet for resources that can be reached with isntan to determine the health and development of information exchange between countries regarding several disease outbreaks that occurred in certain countries so other countries early to anticipate and seek information about the disease outbreak

In addition to the positive impact on the course there are many positive aspects that can be drawn from the existence of the Internet and vice versa negative side of the Internet gave birth to no less numerous and some of them are

Negative Impact of the Internet

     Po *** internet pornography is the negative impact is most felt it was caused from the ease of access that can be reached without age limit and even though it continues to be anticipated by some countries to block websites websites o p *** nayatanya site but the site is in some case can still be accessed by certain tricks
     With the development of the business world through the internet eventually become as the person who is not responsible to perform a variety of modes of fraud
     Besides po *** pornography content - there are also many violent content on the internet that are not feasible in consumption, especially for users under the age of
     As with the internet entertainment media also presents a variety of online games that did not educate even lead to moral decay
     Gambling via the Internet is one of the negative impact that the internet may not be a problem for a particular national culture but not according to some other nation

Those are some positive and negative impacts of the Internet presence that all depend on each of us as if users take the benefit or the bad side of the internet and presented me to the end of articles on understanding the history of the internet and hopefully add insigh


engertian intranet - After yesterday I discussed the definition and history of the Internet, in this article I will describe some understanding of intranet and intranet history and also benefits from it's own intranet. What I lay out on the intranet can be said only a summary of the site - a site that has a high authority like wikipedia and wobopedia.

intranet is
According to wikipedia understanding of the intranet is a private network (private network) that uses the protocol - the Internet protocol (TCP / IP) to share confidential company information or the operating company to its employees. From the definition can be simplified such that the intranet is a private network that is the internet, class, group, organization.

Definition according wobopedia intranet is a computer network based on protocol (TCP / IP) property of an organization that generally companies that can only be accessed by members of the organization, employees and others who are already in the authorization.

benefits Intranet

     As with the Internet, Intranet is also useful as a communication but not like the internet that can be accessed by all users while the intranet can only be accessed by employees, members and people - people who have been given authorization. For more extensive coverage of the benefits of an intranet is that it allows people - people who have been given the authorization hold a discussion and distribute information in a variety of forms such as documents, bulletin boards and others - others in accordance with the supplied device.
     With the intranet is the information that is distributed both to the company and the employees of the company for the employees will be more effective both in terms of time and ease of access
     Besides effective in terms of time and provide convenience, an intranet is also useful for cost savings due to the presence of an online information system of a company or organization do not need to share information in the form of printed documents that are higher operating costs due to use of printing
     With the intranet that supports the automatic storage of data files - Data company / organization or information - other important information will be more organized and easier to search though the data is the data that is already very long
     Because all employees can access the intranet of the tools available will certainly have an impact on the performance of both individual employees and work in a team

In addition to the above benefits is certainly still a lot of benefits that can be felt by the presence of first intranet for a large company or organization that has a lot of data and information at any time the data is needed, and one more thing with this intranet all the data can be stored in a variety of format and can be accessed anytime, anywhere.

Of exposure article on understanding the intranet and intranet benefits above can hopefully provide insight to all of us and I say thank you last visited

Understanding the function of the ISP and the ISP

Understanding ISPs and ISP Function - ISP stands for Internet Service Provider while the general understanding of the ISP is a company that provides services to the public or users to access the internet. Most ISPs anyone use a phone cable to provide internet access but with the current development of existing ISP that provides access to the Internet using Wireless with a more affordable price.

In general, the technology used on an ISP (Internet Service Provider) consists of

     Great connection to the internet using a very high speed
     The internet connection is connected directly to the router where the router is great to organize communication between the Internet with customers
     In the ISP usually installed also some good servers for WEB, MAIL, or other purposes.

Here below are some of the functions of the ISP

     As the media (services) that makes it easy for users to access the Internet
     Through this ISP users (customers) will be connected to the internet through the gateway nearest
     With this type of Dial-Up ISP that provided the user can access the internet with a more affordable price whether it is using the telephone or cable modem
     ISPs provide protection to the user from the spread of the virus by applying antivirus system to its customers

Isp is the gateway to connect us to the Internet and following below are 2 ways to connect us to the Internet

1 Dial-Up Connection

Dial-Up Connection is through telephone or cable modem that is commonly used to access the internet from home. Usually computers are used for Dial Up is a single computer and not a network computer where the connection to the internet is only temporary

2 Dedicated Connection

If Dial-Up is a temporary connection, well for Dedicated Connection is a lasting connection for 24 hours. This type of connection is generally used by many companies - the company or institution - large institutions that use a lot of computer

Maybe it's all I can share about the function and meaning of isp and I say thank you for visiting.