
Sunday 31 August 2014

UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION Positive Negative Impact of Globalization

UNDERSTANDING GLOBALIZATION Positive Negative Impact of Globalization
Understanding Globalization would I describe both the understanding of the language and according to the experts, and also how well the impact of globalization on the negative side and a positive side. According to the language of globalization consists of two words, namely global and SASI, while global means global mean SASI process. Thus the language of globalization means a process something while according to experts worldwide globalization is as follows below
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Understanding Globalization According to the Experts

     Malcolm Waters defines globalization is a social process that results in that geographical restrictions on the socio-cultural circumstances become less pentingyang manifested in the consciousness of people
     Emanuel Richter defines globalization is the global network that simultaneously brings together previously dispersed communities and isolated into a world of interdependence and unity
     According to Achmad Supaman Globalization is a process of making some object or behavior as a trait and every individual in the world without being restricted by region
     Martin Albrown said concerning the meaning of globalization is a process whereby people throughout the world are connected into a single world community

From some of the experts on globalization at the top of the outline can be concluded that globalization is a process between individuals and groups to mmenghasilkan an influence on the world. Definition of globalization can also mean the relationship or dependence between people and between nations more broadly across the world be it through trade, investment, travel, culture, as well as in other forms of interaction so that the boundaries - boundaries of a country becomes narrow
understanding of globalization
understanding of globalization
impact of Globalization
1 Positive Impact of Globalization

     Of the process of globalization will make it easier to obtain information with respect to either science, social, or other information that is positive
     Communication easier and faster
     Trigger the development of science and technology rapidly. With the globalization era, many inter-state cooperation in the field of science and technology and in addition also make cooperation among students from different countries
     Through investment cooperation between countries to build their economies - and of course each country will absorb large amounts of labor

In addition to examples of positive impact of globalization on the course there are many possible positive side of globalization but on the other side of globalization also has a negative effect, especially for a nation whose people are not ready or wrong in responding to globalization itself

2 Negative Impact of Globalization

     With easy access to information makes the uncontrolled information itself as somehow not all information has a positive value and if the incoming information has a negative side without the filter then that's just one example of the negative side of globalization
     Loss of national identity. With the exchange of information easily and quickly through various media community a nation often forgets her own culture because culture considers outside has more value when not all foreign cultures in harmony with the culture of the nation itself
     With the development of technology, more and more men today are spoiled with fully furnished facilities that create an individualistic attitude
     Formation consumptive lifestyle. We find the behavior of someone who buys something not out of necessity but because of other reasons, for example because of the trend, prestigious and others - others that it happened because of social changes diakibat of globalization

Similarly, the positive effects of globalization are many benefits, the negative side of globalization also has many bad effects. All it back again to each - each individual whether to bring globalization on something positive or even make any convenience resulting from globalization into something negative. From what I lay out on the good sense and influences of globalization that they are positive or negative can give insight to us all

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