
Sunday 7 September 2014


Mathematics should be given to all learners from primary schools to equip them with the ability to think logically, analytical, systematic, critical and creative as well as the ability to work together. In teaching mathematics to students, if the teacher is still using the old learning paradigm in the sense of communication in learning mathematics generally tend to be one-way from teacher to student, teacher learning dominates the resulting monotonous learning learners (students) feel tired and tormented. Therefore, in teaching mathematics to students, teachers should prefer a wide variety of approaches, strategies, methods appropriate to the situation so that the planned learning objectives will be achieved. Keep in mind that whether or not a learning model selection will depend learning objectives, compliance with the learning materials, the level of development of learners (students), the teacher's ability to manage learning and optimizing the learning resources available.

This paper aims to broaden the readers, especially students majoring in mathematics, and science teacher education faculty, University of Lampung to make later in the lesson plan can implement cooperative learning model appropriate
with the developmental level of students and learning materials.


A. Definition of cooperative learning model
Efforts of teachers in teaching students is a very important part in achieving the success of planned learning objectives. Therefore, the selection of a variety of methods, strategies, approaches and techniques of learning is a major thing. According to Eggen and Kauchak in Ward (2005), a model of learning is a form of program or user guide teaching strategies designed to achieve learning. The guidance includes the teacher's responsibility in planning, implementing, and evaluating learning activities. One of the models of learning that can be applied teacher is a model of cooperative learning.
Is it a model of cooperative learning? Cooperative learning is an instructional model that promotes the existence of group-kelompok.Setiap students in the group have a level different abilities (high, medium and low) and if possible the group members come from different races, cultures, ethnic groups, and concerned gender equality. Cooperative learning model prioritizes cooperation in solving the problems to apply knowledge and skills in order to achieve the learning objectives. According to Nur (2000), all models of learning characterized by the structure of the task, purpose and structure of the awards structure. Task structure, purpose and structure of reward structures on cooperative learning model differs from the structure of the task, the structure and purpose of learning the model structure of the other awards.
The purpose of cooperative learning is the result of increased student academic learning and students can receive a variety of diversity of friends, as well as the development of social skills.

B. Basic Principles and Characteristics of Cooperative Learning Model

According to Nur (2000), the basic principles of cooperative learning as follows:
1 Each member of the group (students) are responsible for everything that is done in a group.
2 Each member of the group (students) need to know that all the members
3 groups have the same goal.
4 Each member of the group (students) have to divide tasks and responsibilities among members of the same group.
5. Each member of the group (students) will be subject to evaluation.
6 Each member of the group (students) to share leadership and requires skill to learn together during the learning process.
7 Each member of the group (students) will be required to account for the material that is handled on an individual basis in cooperative groups.

While the characteristics of cooperative learning model are as follows:
1 Students in the cooperative group completed the study material according basic competencies to be achieved.
2 The group was formed of students who have different abilities, good skill level is high, medium and low. If possible members of the group come from different races, cultures, ethnic groups, and with regard to gender equality.
3. award more emphasis on the group rather than each individual.

In cooperative learning developed discussion and communication with the aim that students share abilities, learn to think critically, each expression, give each other a chance to channel capability, help each other learn, each other and the ability to assess the role of themselves and other friends.
C. Cooperative Learning Steps
There are six (6) steps in the model of cooperative learning.
1 Introduce the objectives and motivate students.
Teachers convey and communicate learning goals to be achieved basic competencies and motivate students.
2 Presenting information.
Teachers present information to students.
3 Organize students into learning groups.
The teacher informs the student grouping.
4 Guiding the study groups.
Teachers motivate and facilitate the work of students in study groups.
5. Evaluation.
Teachers evaluate the learning outcomes of the learning materials that have been implemented.
6 Giving award.
Teachers reward individual and group learning outcomes.


Cooperative learning Student Team Achievement Division (STAD) developed by Robert Slavin and his colleagues at Johns Hopkins University (in Slavin, 1995) is the simplest cooperative learning, cooperative learning and is suitable for use by teachers who are just beginning to use learning cooperative.
Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) is one type of cooperative learning is the simplest. Students are placed in learning teams of four people who are a mixture according to their performance level, gender and ethnicity. The teacher presents the lesson and then the students work in teams to ensure that all team members have mastered the lesson. Finally, all students are subject to a quiz on the material in the record, when the quiz they can not help each other. This is the type of learning that will be applied in the study of mathematics.
STAD Cooperative Learning Model is an approach that emphasizes cooperative learning activities and interaction among students to motivate each other and help each other master the course material in order to achieve maximum achievement. Teachers who use STAD propose new academic information to students each week using Verbal presentations or text.

1 Preparation of materials and application of students in the group
Before presenting the teacher should prepare an activity sheet and answer sheet will dipelajarai-the group of students in a cooperative group. Then assign students in heterogeneous groups with a maximum number of 4-6 people, the rules of heterogeneity can be based on:
a) Academic ability (good, medium, and low)
Obtained from the academic (baseline) before. Keep in mind that the division must be balanced so that each group consists of students with students with a balanced level of achievement.
b) Gender, social background, innate pleasure / properties (quiet and active), etc..

2 Presentation of Lessons
a) Introduction
Here it should be emphasized what students will learn in a group and inform the important thing to motivate the student's curiosity about the concepts they will learn. The subject matter presented by the teacher using learning methods. Students follow the teacher presentation closely follows the preparation for the next test
b) Development
Do developing appropriate materials the students will learn in groups. Here students learn to understand the meaning instead of memorization. Explanations given core questions of right or wrong. If the students have grasped the concept, it can be switched kekonsep another.
c) The practice of controlled
d) The practice of presenting the material in a controlled done by having the students work on the problems, calls on students at random to answer or solve problems that students are always ready and in providing not time consuming task.

3 Activity Group
The teacher distributes worksheets to each group as the students will learn the material. The contents of the subject matter in addition LKS is also used to train cooperative. Teachers provide assistance to clarify orders, repeating the concept and answered questions. In this group activity, the students together to discuss problems encountered, compare answers, or correct misconceptions. The group is expected to work closely with each other as well as possible and help in understanding the subject matter.

4 Evaluation
Performed for 45-60 minutes independently to indicate what students have learned while working in groups. After the presentation of the activities of teachers and group activities, students were given the test individually. In answer to the test, students are not allowed to help each other. The results of the evaluation are used as the value of individual development and group development donated as value.

5. Award group
Each member of the group is expected to achieve high test scores because these scores will contribute to an increase in the average score of the group. From the results of the development, the award given to the groups in levels of achievement awards as well groups, fab and super.

6. Recalculation initial score and the conversion group
The assessment period (3-4 weeks) made ​​the score recalculated baseline evaluation as a new student. Then the change of the group so that students can work with another friend.

Mathematics materials relevant to the type of cooperative learning Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) is material only to understand the facts, the basic concepts and do not require reasoning tinggidan also memorizing, such as integers, the sets, number of hours, etc.. With the presentation of appropriate materials and engaging for students, as does STAD cooperative learning can maximize the learning process so as to improve student achievement.

Advantages of STAD cooperative learning method is cooperation within the group and in determining the success of the group depends on the success of individual ter, so that each member of the group can not rely on the other members. STAD cooperative learning emphasizes on activity and interaction among students to motivate each other to help each other master the course material in order to achieve maximum achievement.



     Cooperative learning is a learning strategy where students learn in small groups that have different levels of ability
     Learning the skills approach in the process of STAD cooperative learning settings can change the center of learning from teacher to student centered.
     At the core concepts of learning model STAD is present lessons teacher then students work in teams to ensure that all team members have mastered the lesson

1 It is expected that teachers introduce and melatihkan skills specific to the skills and cooperative process before or during learning so that students are able to discover and develop their own facts and concepts as well as to foster and develop attitudes and values ​​that are required.
2 In order to study the process-oriented approach to skills STAD cooperative learning can be run, the teacher should make plans to teach the subject matter, and determine all of the concepts that will be developed, and for each concept defined methods or approaches to be used and the skills that will developed.

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